The Comprehensive Master Plan will shape Caldwell’s future for the next 20 years. Together, we will make Caldwell an even greater place to live!

Step II-Understand the planning process!

Here is a list of our frequently asked questions

A comprehensive plan is a long-range strategic document designed to guide development decisions of the municipality for the next 20 years. The core elements of the plan can include housing, infrastructure, economy development, environment, community facilities, and land use. Plans may include other plans for specific parts of the city that require attention, such as a small area, historic preservation, and transportation plans.

Local community members and leaders as well as local stakeholders work together with Texas Target Communities from Texas A&M University to develop a comprehensive plan. Once adopted, the comprehensive plan will be used by city policymakers and staff to guide zoning, transportation, economic development, and other land use related decisions for the City of Cadwell.

The comprehensive plan is used by the city staff, boards and commissions, and city council. The city staff provide land use recommendations based on the contents of the plan. The boards and commissions use the plan to create policy recommendations for the city council, which the city council then uses to enact land use policy. Citizens can use the plan to defend development and zoning variances on their property. You can also use the comprehensive plan to become informed on the trends in Caldwell and how they are to be dealt with.

The goal of the planning process is to create a buzz that will get the public involved. The planning process is a participatory process in which the entire community is actively engaged in creating a comprehensive plan. Community involvement is also responsible for creating the 20-year vision of the city. Your needs and desires directly influence the future of Caldwell. Without community involvement, future development efforts in the city will not accurately reflect the needs and desires of Caldwell residents and stakeholders. It is important for you to stay up to date on the city website and social media pages, as well as signing up for community notifications at caldwelltx.gov/live. This way you can insure to make an impact on Caldwell for generations to come by participating in the planning process.

Step III-Engage in building your future!

The Future is in Your Hands! Please take the time to finish each of the steps given below. Your opinion is greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration when developing the comprehensive plan. The result of the steps will be shared on this page.

Data Privacy Disclaimer

Texas Target Communities respects your privacy and ensure that your data is secure. The data we collect are limited to the scope of the project and will not be linked to your identity in the reporting of activity results.

Show us the Places

Locate the places you love, need improvement, or have potential.

Start 12 Oct 2020
End 14 Dec 2020
Go to the map!

Promote Community Ideas

Provide us your specific views on different aspects of Caldwell.

Start 12 Oct 2020
End 14 Dec 2020

Tell us more

Help us to know more about Caldwell and yourself.

Start 12 Oct 2020
End 14 Dec 2020